Monday, July 16, 2007

Shoes off - Socks only, please

The floors look fantastic!

On first glance, the floors were in okay shape. But upon closer inspection they appeared just so-so, mostly due to a lazy refinish job when they were done previously. We knew the best time to refinish floors is when an apartment is empty. Thus we decided to get them done now and enjoy them in the years ahead.

We didn't expect to see a huge difference between the old floor and the new floor. We were surprised and the floors certainly exceeded our expectations. They are so smooth, much lighter, and no longer that shiny yellow tint that is common with poly oil-based finishes.

It took the floor guys from Shalom Floors a day and a half to sand and put down two coats of the water-based natural finish. The last coat is scheduled for next Monday, the 23rd, four days before our move-in date.
Colin and I stopped by the apartment on Saturday but couldn't go in because the floors were still moist. We did pop in yesterday, though, but it was shoes off and socks only. And that's the way it's going stay.

As a side note: We had debated whether to do the floors first or paint first, and settled on something in between. We did the floors first, now followed by the painting, and then one last coat of finish and touch-ups as necessary. As fas as I can tell, this was the right way to do it. Although the floor guys took pains to clean up the job site, there is really no way to get rid of all that dust. To have had to deal with that dust after the paint job would have been tough.



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